Thursday, March 30, 2017
Goodfellas Stay Hot, Hitmen Have Bad Luck
Marquee Matchup:
Goodfellas - 4, Hitmen - 3

Goodfellas - 7, Sons of Thunder - 3
Hitmen - 12, Rounders - 13

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Judge - .667
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.400
Most RBIs: Brett - 5
The ONLY Home Run: Brett
Triples: Groux, Larry - 1 each
Doubles: Brett, Perry, Larry - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Larry - 3
NO Walks

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg (1 game): Pastor David - 1.000
Best Batting Avg (2 games): Koyt - .833
Best Slugging Pct (1 game): Pastor David - 2.500
Best Slugging Pct (2 games): Koyt - 1.167
Most RBIs: Pastor David - 6
Home Runs: Kyle A, Nathan - 1 each
The ONLY Triple: Pastor David
Doubles: Koyt (2), Pastor David (1)
Most Runs Scored: Owen - 3
The ONLY Walk: Kyle A
## posted by grinder @ 8:27 AM ##
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Goodfellas Win Two! Hitmen Struggle
Goodfellas - 9, Citymark - 7
Goodfellas - 25, Baybrook Baptist - 5

Hitmen - 0, These Guys - 15
Hitmen - 4, Edgewater - 14

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux - .875
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.375
Most RBIs: Ball - 8
NO Home Runs
Triples: Brett (2), Groux (1), Larry (1)
Doubles: Brett (2), Tony (2), Perry (1), Ball (1), Larry (1), Groux (1)
Most Runs Scored: Brett, Groux, Larry, Greg - 5 each
Walks: Larry, Greg, Perry, Stan, Dean, Guidry - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Moe - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Moe - 1.333
Most RBIs: Moe, Judge, Nelson, Koyt - 1 each
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Moe, Nelson - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Moe, Nelson, Lesco, Bill - 1 each
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 8:54 AM ##
Friday, March 17, 2017
Goodfellas Split Again, Hitmen Off This Week
Goodfellas - 8, Shadycrest - 5
Goodfellas - 4, Southeast Varsity - 7

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Dean - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Dean - 1.000
Most RBIs: Taylor, Groux - 3 each
The ONLY Home Run: Groux (plus one for an out)
NO Triples
The ONLY Double: Taylor
Most Runs Scored: Larry, Stan, Groux - 2 each
The ONLY Walk: Larry
## posted by grinder @ 4:56 PM ##
Wednesday, March 01, 2017
Goodfellas Split, Hitmen Drop Two
Goodfellas - 2, These Guys - 9
Goodfellas - 13, Hitmen - 12

Hitmen - 12, Goodfellas - 13
Hitmen - 10, Shadycrest - 27

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Taki - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.200
Most RBIs: Brett, JP - 3 each
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Groux (2), Brett (1), JP (1)
Most Runs Scored: Groux - 4
Walks: Taki, Brett, Perry, Stan, Tony - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Cody - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Cody - 1.833
Most RBIs: Cody - 7
The ONLY Home Run: Cody
NO Triples
Doubles: Cody (2), Matt V (1), Bandini (1)
Most Runs Scored: Matt V - 5
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 5:34 PM ##