Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Hitmen Win 2, Goodfellas Postponed
The Hitmen swept their evening with convincing wins over Baybrook Baptist and Edgewater.
Goodfellas games were postponed because there was no power at the fields, so the late games got pushed to the end of the schedule.
Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Ben, Jordan - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Jordan - 2.167
Most RBIs: Ben - 4
The ONLY Home Run: Jordan
Triples: Jordan (2), Bandini (1)
Doubles: Ben, Matt V, Jordan - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Jordan - 5
Walks: Bandini, Moe, Kyle A, Matt M, Thibodeaux - 1 each
Monday, June 20, 2016
Hitmen Split, Goodfellas Sweep
The Hitmen came out strong against FBC Pearland and won 12-5. The offense fizzled out against These Guys who defeated Hitmen 9-3.
Goodfellas beat Edgewater 14-6 and then followed that up by defeating Citymark 12-8.
Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Nathan, Bandini - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan - 1.600
Most RBIs: Nathan, Ben - 3 each
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Nathan
Doubles: Nathan, Matt M, Bam- 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Matt V - 3
Walks: Bandini (2), Ben (1), Moe (1)
Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg (one game only): Taylor - 1.000
Best Batting Avg: JP - .857
Best Slugging Pct (one game only): Taylor - 2.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.667
Most RBIs: Groux - 6
The ONLY Home Run: Groux
Triples: Sumrall (2), Groux (1), Taylor (1), Stan (1)
Doubles: Taylor, JP, Larry, Groux, Perry - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: JP, Groux, Perry, Larry - 4 each
Walks: Groux, Guidry, Warren - 1 each
Monday, June 13, 2016
Last Week: Hitmen Dominated, Goodfellas Split
Last Monday the Hitmen took care of business against Baybrook Baptist (9-6) and Citymark Church (12-4). Goodfellas played a decent game against Rounders and got the victory 7-4 but then got stomped by SECOC 24-3.
Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Matt V - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Jordan - 1.500
Most RBIs: Ben - 5
The ONLY Home Run: Jordan
Triples: Matt M (2), Ben (1)
Doubles: Matt M, Lesco, Kyle A, Bandini- 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Lesco - 5
Walks: Moe, Matt V - 2 each
Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.667
Most RBIs: Groux - 3
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Groux
Doubles: Taylor, Brett - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Groux, Perry, Brett - 2 each
NO Walks