Monday, March 30, 2015
FBCF Back in Action Tonight
Last week saw an FBCF team post 2 wins in a night for the first time this season. Goodfellas beat Shadycrest 12-0 before squeaking out a walk-off 9-8 victory over SE Young Adults. FOTS took care of Baybrook Baptist 8-7 before succumbing to the A-Men 11-7.

FOTS plays at 6:30 and 7:30 tonight. Goodfellas have games at 6:30 and 8:30.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: JP, Brett - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 2.167
Most RBIs: Brett - 5
Home Runs: Brett, Trey - 1 each
Triples: Brett (2), Taki (1)
Most Doubles: Taylor, Groux - 2 each
Most Runs Scored: Brett - 5
Walks: Greg, Taki - 1 each

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Zach, Brandon - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Jonathan - 1.167
Most RBIs: Zach - 4
NO Home Runs
Triples: Jonathan, Nelson - 1 each
Most Doubles: Jordan, Jonathan - 2 each
Most Runs Scored: Matt M - 5
The ONLY Walk: Ben
## posted by grinder @ 8:48 AM ##
Thursday, March 19, 2015
FBCF Teams Both Split
Goodfellas beat LSC 11-6, then lost to SECOC 11-7.
FOTS shuts out FBCP Sons of Thunder 10-0, then falls to Rounders 12-3.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Greg - .750
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.000
Most RBIs: Guidry, Sumrall, Greg - 3 each
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Most Doubles: Brett, Perry - 2 each
Most Runs Scored: Sumrall, Perry, Larry - 3 each
Walks: Matthew, Greg, Guidry - 1 each

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Matt V - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan - 1.200
Most RBIs: Nathan - 3
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Nathan
Most Doubles: Matt M - 2
Most Runs Scored: Matt M, Colton - 3 each
Walks: Moe, Ben - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 12:44 PM ##
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Schedule Updated
The schedule has been updated to reflect the games last week being rained out and moved to the end of the season.
## posted by grinder @ 1:30 PM ##
2015 Season Started
2015 Season began a couple of weeks ago on Monday March 2. Games were rained out last week. here are the stats summaries from March 2:

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: McKeel - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: McKeel, Nelson, Zach - 1.000
Most RBIs: McKeel, Zach, Mason - 3 each
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Zach
Doubles: Nelson, Ben, Zach - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Nelson, Bandini, Jonathan, Colton, Brandon, Mason - 2 each
Walks: Matt M, Ben - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux, Brett - 1.000 (also Taki in one game only)
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.750
Most RBIs: Groux - 8
Home Runs: Groux, Brett - 1 each
NO Triples
Most Doubles: Groux - 3
Most Runs Scored: JP - 7
The ONLY Walk: Stan
## posted by grinder @ 1:23 PM ##