Thursday, May 30, 2013
FOTS Wins League! Tourney This Saturday
On Monday, May 20, FOTS clinched the League Championship with two clutch wins over Baybrook and Goodfellas. Congrats FOTS!

Tourney is Saturday June 1 - Goodfellas will be the top seed because FOTS didn't have enough guys available to field a team. Let hope for a FBCF sweep (FOTS League and Goodfellas Tourney)!

Stats Highlights for FOTS (5/20/2013)
Best Batting Avg: Lesco - 1.000
(Note: Carlos and Greg also batted 1.000 but in only one game, Lesco was perfect over both games)
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan - 2.625
Most RBIs: Nathan - 12
Home Runs: Nathan (4), Mason (3), Sumrall (1)
Triples: Nathan, Nelson
Most Doubles: Andrew - 3
Most Runs Scored: Nathan - 7
Most Walks: Ben - 3

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas (5/20/2013)
Best Batting Avg: Sumrall - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Sumrall - 2.500
Most RBIs: Sumrall - 7
Home Runs: Sumrall (3), Ball, Perry, Greg, Taki, Jonah - 1 each
NO Triples This Week
The ONLY Double: Sumrall
Most Runs Scored: Sumrall, Jonah - 4 each
## posted by grinder @ 5:57 PM ##
Monday, May 20, 2013
Another Last Inning Victory
Apologies for the delay in getting this update posted.

Last Monday Goodfellas had 2 more games while FOTS had the BYE. Both of Goodfellas pitchers were unavailable so Ben graciously agreed to come pitch for them. Thanks Ben!

In game 1 against Baybrook, Goodfellas once again took it to the wire. I'm sure it has happened before and I just can't remember it, but Goodfellas used all 3 home runs at the Baybrook field in this game! After 2 low scoring innings, Goodfellas led Baybrook 1-0. Baybrook scored 3 in the top of the 3rd and Warren led off the 3rd with a nice line drive to left which Heath followed with a triple to score him. Then Ball launched a bomb over the left field fence to get the offense going. Goodfellas scored four more to go up 5-3. Baybrook tied it up in the 4th and then held Goodfellas to another goose egg to keep it tied going into the fifth inning. Time expired as Baybrook put up two more runs to take a 7-5 lead. Needing 2 to tie and 3 to win, JP and Sumrall helped the cause immensely by blasting 2 solo home runs to tie the game! Jonah represented the go ahead run and did his part by knocking a nice single up the middle. Greg got lucky on a shallow pop fly that the right fielder couldn't get to so now it was Jonah on 2nd and Greg on 1st with Ben up to bat. Baybrook decided to intentionally walk Ben to get to Bruce. So now with Jonah "speed demon" on 3rd and one out, all we needed was a pop fly to score him. Bruce delivered! He hit a shallow pop up to left field that many of us would not have tried to score on, but we were confident in Jonah's "speed demon" wheels. The throw home was off the mark and Jonah scored to win the game 8-7!!

Next up, Goodfellas played Clear Lake who have fielded a strong team this season and already beaten Goodfellas twice. Goodfellas broke the game open in the second with 7 runs to go up 7-3 and it remained that close the rest of the way. In the third, Jonah induced a comedy of errors that was worthy of Yakkity Sax! He made a big turn at first base and drew a throw that was off the mark. As we reached second, they threw at him again and the ball sailed into the outfield. As he came to third, both Ben and JP were giving him the stop sign, but you could see the sly smirk on his face as he turned on the "speed demon" jets and blew right through it and headed home. Larry made a decent throw at the plate but it was not in time and Jonah had scored himself a "home run!" Goodfellas held a 12-6 lead going into Clear Lake's last at-bat and only gave up three runs to end up winning 12-9.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Greg, JP - .800 (Honorable Mention: Warren - .750)
Best Slugging Pct: Greg, JP - 2.000
Most RBIs: Ball - 7
Home Runs: JP (2), Ball (2), Greg (2), Jonah, Sumrall - 1 each
The Only Triple: Heath
Doubles: Heath, Sumrall - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Ball - 3
Most Walks: Ben - 2 (Thanks again Ben!!)
## posted by grinder @ 9:40 AM ##
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Another Epic Battle
FOTS got the evening going for FBCF by going up against Clear Lake Baptist. CLB has been on a roll lately so this was looking to be an important match up. Both teams fizzled out of the gate, putting up a goose egg each in the first inning. Behind some good defense, FOTS once again held CLB to zero to start off the second inning. Finally FOTS got things going in the bottom of the inning, scoring 4 runs on a grand slam by Raul. The third inning was another scoreless one for both teams, it was a defensive struggle at this point as FOTS led 4-0 after 3 innings. The 4th inning started off the same as all the others - FOTS held CLB to zero runs AGAIN! FOTS were finally able to unleash the scoring sending 8 people to the plate and scoring all 8 of them with the final runs coming on a "run-off" home run by Carlos. FOTS got the run-rule, shut-out victory 12-0.

Up next, the Goodfellas were taking on Baybrook Baptist and they wasted no time taking control of the game. In the first inning, Goodfellas got to the plate 18 times and scored 13 runs. From that point forward it was just a matter of not giving up the big inning. Goodfellas were able to manage that and ended up winning 21-10.

The marquee game of the night was the last game of the night - FOTS vs. Goodfellas, Act III. To this point, the two teams had split 2 games, a one run victory for Goodfellas and a two run victory for FOTS. Tonight's game would maintain that drama. Each team fired their opening salvo and scored 5 runs in the first. FOTS then stepped it up a notch and put up 8 in the second behind home runs from Carlos and Andrew. Goodfellas could only answer half that, so it was 13-9 after 2 innings. Goodfellas clawed their way back into it by holding FOTS scoreless over the next two innings. After 4 innings Goodfellas had taken the lead 17-13. FOTS was undeterred. Raul led off with a triple and FOTS followed with 6 straight hits before the Goodfellas finally got the 3 outs they needed, however now FOTS had the lead 19-17 as time expired with Goodfellas coming up as the home team. Once again it was setting up to be a classic. After Warren led off with a smoking line drive that Nelson made a great play on, Heath got things going with a solo bomb to left field to pull the Goodfellas within one. Ball followed up with a line shot that got in the gap in left center and he was able to make it all the way around for another home run to tie it up. JP hit a ground ball and was out at first setting up another 2 out, last at-bat scenario for the Goodfellas. Sumrall delivered, lacing a screaming line drive to right center that made it over the hill as he raced around the bases for the decisive run. Goodfellas win 20-19!

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Raul - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Raul, Carlos - 2.000
Most RBIs: Carlos - 7
Home Runs: Carlos (3), Andrew, Mason, Matt, Raul - 1 each
The Only Triple: Raul
Doubles: Ben (2), Mason (2), Raul, Alan, David - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Ben, Matt - 4 each
Most Walks: Nelson - 3

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Greg, Sumrall - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Sumrall - 2.500
Most RBIs: Sumrall, Ball - 6 each
Home Runs: Sumrall (3), Ball (2), Heath, Stan, Buffaloe - 1 each
Triples: John, Ball - 1 each
Doubles: Heath - 2
Most Runs Scored: Heath, Sumrall, Ball - 5 each
Most Walks: Bruce - 2
## posted by grinder @ 10:22 AM ##