Tuesday, April 30, 2013
At least they got one in
Goodfellas had a BYE this week while FOTS was scheduled to play the 6:30 at Baybrook and the 8:50 at Webster. However, due to the severe rain we had Saturday, the Webster field was unplayable, so they only got to play the 6:30 game at Baybrook.

Their opponent was League City Church of Christ who are normally one of the more consistently good teams in the league, but this year seem to be a little up and down. Unfortunately for FOTS, they were up today, especially in the 2nd inning. FOTS opened the game with 3 runs and then held LCCC to only 1 in the first. FOTS marched on in the second scoring 4 more runs to make it 7-1. Then all of a sudden LCCC dropped a barrage of hits on them in the bottom of the second. LCCC scored 10 runs to turn the game around and go ahead 11-7. FOTS was able to tie it up in the bottom of the 3rd by scoring 4 more runs, but then LCCC turned around and got all 4 of them back and never relinquished the lead.

The rest of the game, neither team could muster much offense as only 3 runs were scored over the next 3 innings. Robeau took a ball in the face on a quick throw to second and had to leave the game. His head was still pounding as we all filed to the parking lot. FOTS ends up losing by a score of 16-13.

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Robeau, Jonah - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Robeau - 2.500
Most RBIs: Robeau - 4
Home Runs: Robeau, Carlos - 1 each
Triples: Carlos - 1
NO Doubles AGAIN This Week!
Most Runs Scored: Nelson, Robeau, Joel, Lesco - 2 each
## posted by grinder @ 12:30 AM ##
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Splits
Goodfellas were clicking on all cylinders in their first game of the night vs. League City Church of Christ. After playing LCCC to a tie last week, the 'Fellas were hoping for a better outcome this week. The Goodfellas scored 7 runs in all three innings while holding LCCC scoreless until the 3rd where they could only must 4 runs thus ending in a run-rule victory for Goodfellas by a score of 21-4.

Next up Goodfellas were hoping to get one back from Clear Lake that they gave away last week. Alas it was not meant to be. Clear Lake stayed hot with the bats and in a break from recent form, the Goodfellas defense broke down several times giving CLB plenty of unearned runs. In the end it cost Goodfellas the game as they went down 20-17.

FOTS jumped out of the shoot hot as well, knocking out all 3 of their homeruns in the first inning vs. LCCC. Even though they ended up with 4 Home Run Outs (HRO) in the game, they still prevailed 13-8.

In FOTS' second game vs. CLB, they once again used up their 3 homers early as Robeau claimed the last one in the 2nd inning. A drought of three innings without scoring a run (assisted by a couple more HRO) doomed FOTS in their first game this season to not score 10 runs. They lost to CLB in a nail-biter 10-9.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: JP, Taki - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Jonah - 1.833
Most RBIs: Jonah - 7
Home Runs: JP, Ball - 1 each (both @ Baybrook!)
Triples: Jonah (2), Sumrall (2), Heath (1)
Most Doubles: Jonah, Taki - 2 each
Most Runs Scored: JP (with a little help from Buffaloe) - 6

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Robeau, Nathan - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Carlos - 2.000
Most RBIs: Matt, Nathan - 5 each
Home Runs: Matt (2), Robeau (2), Carlos (2), Zach (1), Nathan (1)
Triples: Bandini, Alan, Ben, Nathan, Lesco - 1 each
NO Doubles This Week!
Most Runs Scored: Nelson, Robeau - 4 each
Most Walks: Ben - 2
HRO: Matt, Mason, Zach, Lesco, Robeau, Carlos - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 10:07 PM ##
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
FOTS Stays Hot, Goodfellas....Not
Despite scoring 12 runs in both of their games, Goodfellas could not add anything to the win column last night, while FOTS continued their winning ways.

Goodfellas lead off the evening against League City Church of Christ. They jumped out with 7 runs in the first inning but only scored 5 the rest of the way. After 4 innings the game was tied at 12-12. As the home team, Goodfellas needed a defensive stop and that is exactly what they got, holding LCCC to no runs. Needing only 1 run to win the game, they fell short. With 2 outs and Jonah on first, Stan sent a rocket to left center that looked for sure like it would find the gap and score Jonah. However the left-center fielder was speedy and his glove was true as he got under the ball for the catch to send the 'Fellas to a tie.

The next game was a great rematch between Goodfellas and FOTS. This time it was FOTS who came out of the blocks with 7 runs in the first inning. They added another 5 in the second and it looked like a route may be in progress as the score was 12-4 after two innings. With some timely defense, including 2 double plays, Goodfellas crept back into it over the next 2 innings, outscoring FOTS 7-2 to pull within 3 runs. Needing 3 runs to pull even in the top of the 5th, Goodfellas could only muster 1 more run and FOTS held on for a 14-12 victory.

In the finale for the evening, FOTS again came out of the gates swinging against Baybrook Baptist and built a 12-2 lead after 2 innings. The 3rd inning was uneventful for both teams as FOTS scored 1 and BB scored 2 to make it 13-4. Again in the 4th FOTS only scored 1 run and BB came up as the home team with their last at-bat needing 10 runs to tie and 11 to win. They almost pulled it off! BB was able to push across 7 runs in their last at-bat before FOTS finally put them away to run their league best record to 7-1.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Sumrall - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Heath, Ball - 2.167
Most RBIs: Ball - 5
Home Runs: Heath (2), Ball (2), Sumrall (1)
Triples: Heath, Taki - 1 each
Doubles: Ball, Bruce, Jonah, Sumrall - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Ball - 5

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Robeau - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Robeau - 1.600
Most RBIs: Zach - 6
Home Runs: Matt (2), Robeau, Mason, Alan, Carlos, Zach - 1 each
NO Triples this week!
Doubles: Robeau, Mason - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Robeau - 5
Most Walks: Ben - 3

Standings at the halfway point of the season:
## posted by grinder @ 9:49 PM ##
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Goodfellas split, FOTS on Bye
The Goodfellas played two pretty good games last night but they were only able to come away with one win due to a hot hitting Clear Lake Baptist team.

In the first game, it was another back and forth affair. Each team jumped out of the gate with guns blazing. Goodfellas scored 6 in the top half of the inning, but CLB answered with 5 in the bottom. The deciding inning ended up being the 2nd where Goodfellas got blanked and CLB scored 3. They played even the rest of the way giving CLB a 17-15 victory.

Goodfellas stayed hot to start off the second game against Baybrook Baptist. After giving up 5 in the top half, the Goodfellas came back with 12 runs in the bottom half of the first! Even when BB seemed to get something going, the defense would step up and make a play when needed. In the end it resulted in a 18-13 victory for Goodfellas.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Taki, Greg, Mike, Perry - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Perry - 2.800
Most RBIs: Perry - 9
Home Runs: Perry (3), Stan (2), Mike (2), Sumrall (1), Greg (1)
Triples: John, Jonah, Mike - 1 each
NO Doubles this week!
Most Runs Scored: Mike, Sumrall - 5 each
Most Walks: Taki - 3
## posted by grinder @ 12:04 PM ##
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Someone had to lose
Goodfellas and FOTS squared off in a fantastic game at Baybrook field to get things rolling last night. It was as if the two teams were mirroring each other the whole game. In box score form, this is what the game looked like:

TEAM  1    2    3    4  FINAL

Needless to say, it was a nail-biter to the end. Each team hit the ball pretty well. Each team flashed some good defense. And each team had some bad breaks due to the field conditions (very uneven and some cracks in the outfield). The worst part of the game was JP getting injured in the 4th inning when he jumped at the fence for a ball and landed awkwardly on his knee. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

Next up, Goodfellas played Baybrook and really put together a solid game on both offense and defense. Holding anyone under 10 runs is usually pretty good and Goodfellas cranked out 17 runs to win 17-9.

In the last game for FBCF, FOTS recovered from their earlier defeat and was able to run-rule Clear Lake Baptist in 5 innings by a score of 15-5.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Heath - .875
Best Slugging Pct: Perry - 1.667
Most RBIs: Perry - 7
Home Runs: Bruce, Greg, Perry, Stan - 1 each
Triples: Sumrall (2), Perry (1)
Doubles: Heath, JP, Ball, Jonah - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Ball, Greg - 5 each

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Carlos - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan - 2.200
Most RBIs: Carlos - 6
Home Runs: Carlos (2), Matt (2), Nathan (1), Kyle (1), Zach (1)
Triples: Nathan, Carlos - 1 each
Most Doubles: Nathan - 2
Most Runs Scored: Ben, Kyle, Nathan - 4 each

## posted by grinder @ 1:38 PM ##