Monday, January 21, 2013
Much Belated Stats Highlights
Sorry about the delay on this. With our move and the holidays, I really thought I had lost the stat sheets that Josh had given me for the final 3 games of the Fall Season. However, I found this weekend and have finally got them posted. Congratulations to the Mutts for winning out their final 3 games to go 7-3 on the season!

Stats Highlights for Week 5
Best Batting Avg: Robeau - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Robeau - 2.200
Most RBIs: Robeau - 10
Home Runs: Robeau (4), Ball (2), Sumrall (2), Alan (1)
The Only Doubles: Mike, Wade
Triples: Robeau, Mike, Perry
Most Runs Scored: Robeau - 8

Stats Highlights for the Fall Season
Best Batting Avg: Robeau - .774 (barely edging Mike's .773)
Best On Base Pct: Mike - .792
Best Slugging Pct: Robeau - 1.839
Most RBIs: Robeau - 27
Most Home Runs: Robeau - 9
Most Singles: Judge - 14
Most Doubles: Mike - 4
Most Triples: Perry, Robeau - 2 each
Most Runs Scored: Robeau - 21
Most Walks: Warren - 4

So.....unanimous MVP is Robeau?

## posted by grinder @ 1:54 PM ##