Thursday, June 28, 2012
Monday Blues
FOTS and Goodfellas both played 2 games each on Monday night and only came away with one win to show for it.

Goodfellas played 2 games against Clear Lake Baptist at the Baybrook field. In both games, their defense failed them. Plays that they would normally make, ended up allowing runs to score and the Goodfellas just gave up too many runs as they lost 15-9 and then 12-8.

FOTS pulled out a victory in their first game on a walk off home run by Alan to beat LCCC #2 by a score of 9-7. In their next game, LCCC #1 got the best of them 13-8.

Stats Highlights for the Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Lionel, Perry - .750
Best Slugging Pct: Greg - 2.000
Most RBIs: Perry - 4
Triples: Greg had 2
The Only Walk: Michael

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Alan - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Alan - 2.250
Home Runs: Matt (2), Joel, Alan, Nathan (1 each)
Most RBIs: Matt, Nathan (3 each)
The Only Triple: Alan
## posted by grinder @ 11:04 PM ##
Monday, June 18, 2012
FBCF Strong in Week 2
Goodfellas and FOTS squared off in the first game tonight and FOTS had a bit of a hitting slump. The Goodfellas took advantage by busting out for 16 runs in a 16-4 victory to get the evening rolling.

Next up, the Goodfellas took on League City Church of Christ #1, which is usually a pretty strong team! Again, taking advantage of poor hitting as well as making the most when the defense was called to make a play, the Goodfellas put up 11 runs and won the game 11-7.

In the final game of the night, FOTS run-ruled League City Church of Christ #2.

Stats Highlights for the Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Ball - .857
Best Slugging Pct: Heath - 2.000
Home Runs: Heath (2), Perry, Ball (1 each)
Most RBIs: Perry - 6
Most Runs Scored: Ball - 6
Doubles: Mike, Judge (1 each)

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg (played only one game): Brian - 1.000
Best Batting Avg (played two games): Nathan, Joel - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan - 2.600
Home Runs: Nathan (3), Ben (2), Joel, Shawn (1 each)
Most RBIs: Nathan - 8
Triples: Nelson, Matt, Carlos (1 each)
## posted by grinder @ 11:34 PM ##
Monday, June 11, 2012
Summer Season....Here We Go!
Goodfellas kicked off the Summer Season with 2 games vs. League City Church of Christ at the Baybrook Baptist field. There is a new face (Michael) and a returning familiar face (Nathan) joining us this season and we're looking forward to having some fun as it gets hotter and hotter.

The Goodfellas have been struggling at the plate and in the first game those struggles reared their ugly head for the first 5 innings. Finally, in the 6th inning, the 'Fellas were able to string some hits together and scored 8 runs to go up 15-8. Unfortunately, LCCC found their swings as well and in their final at-bat put 7 runs across to tie the game....another sister kisser for the Goodfellas!

In the second game, the Goodfellas had 3 good innings out of 4 and played some solid defense for a 14-9 victory.

FOTS kicked off their season over at the Webster field and won both of their games against Clear Lake Baptist. They run-ruled them in the first game, and then won the second game 16-11.

Stats Highlights for the Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Judge, Greg - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Greg- 1.800
Home Runs: Greg - 1
Most RBIs: Greg - 8
Most Runs Scored: Heath, Mike - 5
Triples: Heath, Perry, Michael, Mike (1 each)

Stats Highlights for FOTS
Best Batting Avg: Kyle - .857
Best Slugging Pct: Carlos - 2.200
Home Runs: Carlos, Kyle, Richard (2 each), Joel (1)
Most RBIs: Carlos, Kyle -7
Most Runs Scored: Kyle -6
The Only Triple: Richard
## posted by grinder @ 10:30 PM ##
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Goodfellas fizzle at the end
The Goodfellas had to finish their Spring season this morning at 8 am with 4 games in 5 hours. It was not pretty. They had a hard time scoring runs despite decent defense and ended up going 1-3 to finish the season at 6-5-1....a winning record, but disappointing after the 4-0 start.

In game 1, the Goodfellas held Clear Lake to 2 runs over the first 3 innings before they busted out with 8 runs in the top of the 4th. Down 10-6 in their final at-bat, the fellas could only muster one more run (on a nice JP homer) and ended up losing 10-7.

In game 2, they were able to hold Baybrook to only 7 runs, however that doesn't help much when you only score 3 yourself.

Game 3 started off nice with Goodfellas putting up 4 runs in the first inning. Unfortunately those were the only 4 runs they scored and Clear Lake slipped by with another win 7-4.

At least we went out on a good note. In game 4, Baybrook jumped out to a 9-0 lead after 2 innings. Over the next 4, the Goodfellas defense blanked them. There were several great plays made in the field: JP, Robeau, and Heath all made some defensive gems to keep them down. The Goodfellas slowly crept back into the game. Inspired by Heath's inside the park grand slam in the 3rd inning and then Judge's triple in the 5th, as the home team in their last at-bat, they were able to pull out the victory. Robeau led off with a single. After 2 consecutive outs, Greg hit a double and Robeau scored to make it 9-8. Perry came up and ripped one to right center, it was an easy double bringing Greg home to tie the game. However, there was a slight bobble in the outfield and Perry went for 3rd. The relay came to the short stop who over threw the ball and it went over the fence. A ball out of play awards the runners an extra base so Perry scored the winning run on the throwing error! It must be stated that the bottom of the order carried the offensive burden in this game going 7 for 12 with a double, a triple, and 6 runs scored.

Even though it was tough losing all those games, we still had a great time. Looking forward to starting the Summer season on Monday!

Goodfellas Stats Highlights for Saturday June 9
Best Batting Avg: Kyle, Greg - .666
Best Slugging Pct: Heath - 1.400
Home Runs: Heath, JP (1 each)
Most RBIs: Heath, Judge, Ball - 4 each
Most Runs Scored: Judge - 5
Triples: Kyle (2), Perry, Judge, JP (1 each)
## posted by grinder @ 11:42 PM ##
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Tourney Update
NOTICE: The tourney will NOT be played this Saturday, June 9. The rainouts will be played as scheduled, but the tourney will be played at a later date.

The currently posted schedule has the correct times for the rainouts.
## posted by grinder @ 11:25 AM ##
FOTS comes alive, Goodfellas split
The FOTS bats appear to have woken up as they put together two impressive innings, one in each game, to end up winning both of their games last night.

In the first inning against Clear Lake, FOTS scored 11 runs to set the tone before they ended up winning by run-rule 17-2. In the night cap against the Goodfellas, it was a close game until FOTS took the lead for good with a 12 run 3rd inning to secure a 17-12 victory and go 2-0 for the night. Nice job FOTS!

In the middle game of the evening, Goodfellas started off slow but finally got the bats going in a 12-5 victory over Clear Lake highlighted by a nice 1-5-3 double play getting the outs at 3rd and first. Perry started the play at pitcher and made a good throw to Sumrall who fired a bullet across the infield to get the runner at first!

Interesting note - FOTS scored 17 runs in both of their games last night. Goodfellas scored 12 runs in both of their games last night.

FOTS Stats Highlights
Best Batting Avg: Matt - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan- 2.600
Home Runs: Nathan (3), Matt (2), Moe, Zach, Carlos, Joel (1 each)
Most RBIs: Nathan - 6
Most Runs Scored: Matt - 5
The Only Triple: Kyle

Goodfellas Stats Highlights
Best Batting Avg: Matt, Perry - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Perry - 2.500
Home Runs: Perry, Matt (2 each), Stan, Judge (1 each)
Most RBIs: Perry - 7
Most Runs Scored: Matt - 6
The Only Triple: Greg
## posted by grinder @ 11:24 AM ##