Monday, August 29, 2011
Stats Highlights From Week 2
Best Batting Avg: Matt Mays - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Ben Fultz - 1.800
Most RBIs: Matt Mays - 4
Most Doubles: Matt Mays - 3
Most Walks: Matt Ball, Troy Barnes, Leighton Poley - 2
Most Sacrifices: Josh Pavelka - 2
## posted by grinder @ 11:32 PM ##
Mutts Win Two Close Ones!
The Mutts were not firing on all cylinders tonight, but they had enough offense to squeak by both of their opponents.

In the first game, they were down 12-9 going into their final at-bat as the home team. Perry led off with a single, followed by a single from Ben. Troy was able to draw a walk to load the bases. Leighton then hit a fly ball that looked like it was going to be caught, but the two outfielders each ended up backing off and the ball dropped, scoring Perry and Ben. With Troy on 3rd and Leighton on 2nd, Taki ripped a shot in the hole between 1st and 2nd. The second baseman dove and made the grab, but in his haste to try and throw out the speedy Taki, he threw the ball into the dugout. Troy had already crossed the plate to tie the game and Leighton was awarded home on the dead ball for the winning run!

In game 2, The Mutts went up 10-9 in the bottom of the 4th inning. They were able to hold Clear Lake to 0 runs and time expired giving them their second tight victory of the evening.
## posted by grinder @ 11:22 PM ##
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Fall Season Week 1 Stats Highlights
Best Batting Avg: Matt Ball, Matt Mays - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Jonathan Sumrall - 1.666
Most Home Runs: Jonathan Sumrall - 2
Most Doubles: Matt Mays - 3
Most RBIs: Josh Pavelka, Mike Beck, Jonathan Sumrall - 4
## posted by grinder @ 11:46 PM ##
Tournament Stats Highlights
Mike Beck - 1.000
Matt Mays - .916
Nathan Lilley - .909

Nathan Lilley - 2.363
Aaron Cummings - 2.000
Matt Ball - 1.888

Nathan Lilley, Matt Ball - 4
Aaron Cummings - 3
Jonathan Sumrall, Mason Mays - 2

Matt Mays, Nathan Lilley - 4
Kevin Davis - 3

Nathan Lilley - 13
Matt Mays - 11
Aaron Cummings - 8

Ben Forester - 3
## posted by grinder @ 11:40 PM ##
Monday, August 22, 2011
Fall Season Under Way
The Fall Season kicked off tonight with The Mutts winning one and losing one. Statistics will be updated soon along with a highlights post.
## posted by grinder @ 9:56 PM ##
FOTS makes it back-to-back
The Fellowship of the Swing came out with guns blazing on Saturday and burned through the tournament bracket without losing a game. Congratulation to FOTS for their second tourney championship in a row!
## posted by grinder @ 11:21 AM ##
Monday, August 08, 2011
Stats Highlights From Week 7
Best Batting Avg: Josh, Matt M, Mike - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Matt M - 1.857
Most Home Runs: Greg, Matt B, Matt M, Cam - 2
Most Doubles: Bryant - 4
Most RBIs: Cam - 10
## posted by grinder @ 5:06 PM ##
Stats Highlights From Week 6
Best Batting Avg: Jonathan, Troy - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Jonathan - 2.333
Most Home Runs: Matt M, Josh - 2
Most Triples: Mike - 2
Most Doubles: Nathan - 3
Most RBIs: Josh - 8
## posted by grinder @ 5:01 PM ##