Monday, July 12, 2010
An Epic Night
Goodfellas vs. Posse. Or, as it says on the schedule, FBCF #1 vs. FBCF #2. It's always a good time when you have a little in-house rivalry and tonight was no different. However, in my entire softball career I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have been in a game that was called because it went the full 7 innings. Tonight.....BOTH of our games went to 7 innings!!

Game one was played as though everyone was still sluggish after getting off work. Nobody could hit. Jeremy led off the game with (another solo :p) home run for the Posse and it all seemed to go down hill after that. In the end, the Posse pieced together 7 runs and that was enough to overcome the meager 3 runs that the Goodfellas generated.

Game two was epic in many ways....especially for the Goodfellas. First off, they don't beat the Posse that often. Nobody on the team could remember the last time it happened, if ever. Second, as stated earlier, it was our second 7 inning game in a row. Third, it started off slowly with the lethargic bats seeming to carry over from game 1 before the Goodfellas broke out with a big 5th inning. After the 5th, it was 10-5 going the Goodfellas way. After a scoreless 6th, the Goodfellas came to bat as the visitors hoping to put some insurance on the board. After scoring a couple of runs, Bruce came up to bat with one out and 2 men on. Bruce pretty consistently get his hits with nice liners up the middle. That is his bread and butter. In fact, that man was making some TOAST in the tournament! Anyway, the outfield scooted in a little to try and cut off his penchant for the line drive hit. All of a sudden, Bruce unleashed a blast like I have never seen from him before! He CRUSHED it way over the outfielder's head and to the fence. It was a 2 out double to put the icing on the the cake for a 14-6 (and rare) Goodfellas victory!
## posted by grinder @ 10:34 PM ##