Monday, October 26, 2009
Rained out tonight
This week's games added to the end of the schedule
## posted by grinder @ 1:58 PM ##
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Games Resume!
After 2 weeks of rain-outs we finally got to play again last night. The defense was apparently still on break because it cost us the first game and almost cost us the second game!

There were at least 2 innings in our game against Hope Lutheran where we gave up 4 or 5 runs purely because of errors....and that cost us the game. The final score was 18-12 and I am confident that about 8 to 10 of their runs were due to errors on our part.

Game 2 started off much better but in the end we almost gave it away as well! We were up 14-4 over Clear Lake Baptist and in their last 2 at-bats we allowed them to score 9 runs to make it a one-run game in the end! Close call!

The schedule has been updated to reflect the re-scheduling of the last 2 weeks of rained out games.
## posted by grinder @ 11:47 AM ##