Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mutts Schedule and Stats Updated
I entered The Mutts schedule for the Fall and also updated the stats for the last 4 games.

FYI - I am working on trying to add the ability to see previous season stats as well as "career" stats for the players and teams. I'll let you know when (if) I get that done.
## posted by grinder @ 8:43 PM ##
Long Overdue Update
I got chastised last night for not updating the news page as often as I used to so.....

We are now 2 weeks into the Fall season. We had plenty of guys who wanted to keep playing from all 3 teams, so we combined forces and are calling ourselves The Mutts thanks to Cole's suggestion.

Last week we lost our first game against Baybrook but made a fun comeback in the second game against Southeast Church of Christ to win in our last at-bat.

Last night we won both games fairly easily. Its amazing how much easier it is to win when the bats are swinging well! Played some decent defense with only a few errors, but we could still use a little tightening in that area.

All in all it has been a fun time so far! Its been great getting to play with some guys that we don't all usually get to play with. If you get a chance, you should come out and hang with us one Monday night.

ALSO - Congrats to The Posse for winning the tournament for the second Summer league. Good job guys!!
## posted by grinder @ 8:04 AM ##