Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Lots of Action, Few Wins
All 3 FBCF Teams were in action on Monday night. In terms of wins and losses it wasn't too pretty, but there were some fun games and two FBCF "rivalry" games were played as well.

The Posse started off the night against St. Mary's and hung in there for several innings. After 4 innings it was a tied game at 3-3. Then after the fifth inning, The Posse was down 6-3. The final score ended up 12-4.

Next up it was Posse vs. Fellowship of the Swing. With a big opening inning, The Fellowship jumped ahead and stayed ahead, winning the game 8-4.

The Goodfellas were in action next against Baybrook Baptist. Only able to muster 3 runs, The Goodfellas lost the game.

The finale was The Goodfellas against The Fellowship. The Goodfellas came out swinging and were ahead for a couple of innings. But the offense bogged down as the game went on and The Fellowship came out on top 9-5.

So in the end overall the FBCF trifecta went 2-4 on the evening with The Fellowship pulling in the only two wins....and getting both of them at the expense of the other FBCF teams.

NOTE - No games next week due to Labor Day holiday
## posted by grinder @ 10:23 PM ##
Monday, August 18, 2008
Long Time, No Update
Sorry about the lack of updates here. We'll try to remedy that as the season finishes out over the next several weeks.

In a nutshell:
The Goodfellas can't seem to score any runs and thus continue to post losses.
The Posse have played a few good games and had some bad breaks but have now posted a win.
The Fellowship of the Swing have not played due to byes and the postponed games due to the tropical storm.

Tonight The Fellowship will finally get to take the field and try to sty near the top of the standing with some victories.

NOTE! The games that were canceled due to the tropical storm have been rescheduled for TUESDAY 9/23. The schedule has been updated to reflect this.
## posted by grinder @ 1:22 AM ##