Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Don't Look Now, But We're Off!!
Apologies for not getting an update out after last week's games. The quick summary:
The Goodfellas and The Posse each lost both of their games. The Fellowship however pulled off an unbeaten evening!

Last night all three teams were in action again. The Goodfellas started the night off with a game that should have been on Comedy Central. Rick was running a little late so they didn't have a pitcher to start the game. Greg tried his hand at it and ended up walking more batters than he got out. Stan gave it a go on the mound next and did much better than Greg in terms of throwing strikes....unfortunately that just means that LC Church of Christ started teeing off on the ball. Rick showed up for the last couple of innings and in the end The Goodfellas could only muster 3 runs and ended up getting run-ruled in the 4th inning.

The Posse were playing at the same time over at the Baybrook field. They were playing short handed with only 8 players, but so was St. Mary's. In a game that showcased a contrast in hitting, St. Mary's got the upper hand and beat The Posse.

The next game featured The Goodfellas vs. The Fellowship. It was a very close and hard fought game throughout. The Fellowship had home field and an opportunity to win in their last at-bat. With one out and runners on 1st and 2nd, Josh Pavelka caught a hard hit fly ball in deep left field. Josh Fritts tried to tag up but Pavelka made an exceptional throw to Shane at third who put the tag on a head first sliding Fritts to seal the win for The Goodfellas.

The Posse then came back over to the Webster field and faced LC Church of Christ. It was another close game that featured some persistence on defense and an array of good hits. In the end The Posse came up 3 runs short against one of the better teams in the league.

The last game of the night saw The Fellowship playing against Clear Lake Baptist. With one out in their final at-bat, CLB had runners at 1st and 2nd. The batter hit a sharp grounder to Ben at third. He stepped on the bag for the force out, then threw a low strike to John at 1st to complete the double play and secure a one run win, 10-9. Pretty exciting!
## posted by grinder @ 12:39 PM ##
Saturday, July 12, 2008
2008 Season 2 is Starting!
Monday July 14
6:45 @ Baybrook Baptist Field
8:10 @ Webster Field

The Posse:
9:00 @ Webster Field
9:50 @ Webster Field

The Fellowship of the Swing:
7:20 @ Webster Field
9:50 @ Webster Field

Remember practice Sunday @ 2:00pm
## posted by grinder @ 8:50 AM ##