Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Good News | Bad News
Ok....first the good news - once again we made a great run in the tournament and were able to get Team 1 to the finals. Truth told the whole tournament day was a combined effort as neither of our teams had enough players to field a full team. So we pooled our rosters and started playing. We lost our first 3 games which just so happened to be both Team 2 games, thus they were eliminated. But after that, we got on a roll in the loser's bracket and made it all the way to the championship game where we lost to League City Church of Christ. Congrats to their team for winning the tourney and congrats to our guys for once again making an improbable run in the tournament. The highlight I think was our semifinal win over Baybrook who beat us last year for the championship.

Now the bad news - I screwed up the stats data and have no way to recover it unless there is someone out there who has been making copies of each game's stats. Basically I started putting in the tourney stats and realized I put in the wrong game number so I had duplicate stats. Then when I went to delete the dupes, I forgot to put the game number in and it basically has deleted some people's game stats for certain games. I am sorry about that for those who lost game stats. Tourney stats will be entered this evening.

By the season is set to start this coming Monday 7/23. Let us know if you are interested in playing.
## posted by grinder @ 3:30 PM ##
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Apologies for the lack of updates
I hope to get the stats updated and some up to date news posted this week. Stay tuned.
## posted by grinder @ 11:28 AM ##