Monday, May 21, 2007
DRAT! Offense shows promise, D falters
We could not have started off the night better than we did tonight. Well....I take that back. We had 2 outs in our first 3 batters, THEN we caught fire. The next 6 batters all hit singles before Mason came up and cleared the bases with a grand slam of magnificent proportions. Canales followed with another home run and the hit parade carried on. We scored 11 runs in that first inning. Then we only scored one more the rest of the game :(

If we could have played any kind of decent defense we would have won that game. At least 2 innings in a row we got two outs quickly only to give up a two-out rally to them and allow some runs across. They just chipped away and chipped away and eventually beat us 13-12.

In game two we didn't quite have the same offensive outburst, but we still put up nine runs. However, once again we could not stop them. It seemed any time we would make an error, they would follow it up with a couple of good hits. Then we'd make another error and the cycle continued. We lost 16-9.

So chalk up 2 losses this week. We're still looking for our first victory. I really thought tonight was going to be when we broke through, but it was not meant to be.

REMEMBER - Practice tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6:30.
## posted by grinder @ 11:03 PM ##
Monday, May 14, 2007
Rained Out :(
Danny called a little after 5 today to let me know the games had been rained out. Mega-disappointment. This is one thing that stinks with our current schedule - we get a bye every 3rd week, so that means with a rain-out we will play next week only to get another dang bye week.

Oh well....we'll still try to practice tomorrow night at 6:30.
## posted by grinder @ 8:02 PM ##
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
New Pictures Posted
Jessica sent me some pictures from week 1. They are now posted in the gallery. Feel free to send me caption descriptions for any picture that you think needs a caption.
## posted by grinder @ 4:31 PM ##