Saturday, August 12, 2006
Some end of season statistical notes
Here are the top 3 leaders in a few of the statistical categories:

Batting Average:
Dave Foster - .692
Greg Lowery - .659
Matt Ball - .600

On Base Percentage:
Dave Foster - .714
Greg Lowery - .708
Noel Hull - .708

Slugging Percentage:
Greg Lowery - 1.122
Dave Foster - 1.026
Mason Mays - .833

RBI Leaders:
Greg Lowery - 24
Matt Mays - 22
Mason Mays - 19

Runs Scored:
Matt Mays - 26
David Foster - 23
Greg Lowery - 21

Extra Base Hits:
Greg Lowery - 11
Matt Mays - 9
Mason Mays - 8

Noel Hull - 8
Matt Mays - 7
Greg Lowery - 7
## posted by grinder @ 1:36 AM ##