Saturday, July 22, 2006
Stirring the pot, making waves in the tourney
So close yet so far away. We came into the tourney with some amazing momentum and it definitely carried over a little. We didn't necessarily hit as well as we did the last two weeks of the season, but we played some really good defense and scored just enough to win our first 3 games in the tourney and make it to the championship game.

But we fizzled in the final. The offense definitely went south and the D was not as great either; coupled with some pretty decent hitting from our opponent we just could not muster up enough runs to beat them. Since it was double elimination and we had made it through unscathed to that point, they had to beat us twice to take it.....and they did. We scored 9 and 5 runs in the last two games respectively. Both were pretty close games, but the mojo did not go our way.

All in all our season really mirrored the Astros from last year - terrible start (3-9-1), spectacular finish to the regular season (3-0), strong post season (3-0), poor championship (0-2). All things considered, second place in the tourney is not bad, although I really think we could have taken first if we'd been a little more consistent with our hitting in those last two games.

Thanks to all who played with us, it was a total BLAST!! Thanks also to all the various supporters we had in the stands at the games. It really makes it more fun to have people there rooting for us. The next season will be starting soon, possibly as early as the first week in August. We'll take this week off for practice and probably pick it back up next week (Sunday July 30).
## posted by grinder @ 10:54 PM ##
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Season Finale......WOW!!!
We played our last two regular season games tonight and the offense exploded in a powerful display of great hitting combined with taking advantage of some poor fielding. We also played some pretty good defense and the reward for playing so well was that we won both games in blowouts.

If you look at the stats you will see that as a team we hit 5 home runs this evening. Not a single one of them went over the fence. Each one was just a perfectly placed line drive in the gap that burned the outfielders enough that the individual made it all the way around the bases. Also you will see one more run in the stats than what we actually scored. Shane and Jason were kind enough to volunteer to play with the other team since they did not have enough players.

I believe the score in the first game was 35-6. I cannot remember the last time we scored over 30 runs in one fact it may have been a first for any softball team I have been a part of. I think the score in the second game was 19-3. To be honest, as much as we did play good defense in both games, the second game was probably just as much to do with the other team being so tired from all the running they did in game 1 while chasing our hits.

The tournament is this Saturday. Our first game is at 9am against the same team we played this week (see Tourney Schedule). Let's hope we can stay on the same roll we started in game 2 last week and maybe make a little noise in the tourney. Our final 3 regular season games we outscored the opponent 74-17. That's some good momentum, let's keep it up!!
## posted by grinder @ 12:14 AM ##
Monday, July 10, 2006
A decent split
This week we ended up playing on Monday night. Game one was an all to familiar sight. Poor offense, equally poor defense.....loss. Game two was a different story altogether.

There's only been one other game this season where we had a better batting average, but we scored more runs this game than any other so far this season, a whopping 20!! In addition to the awakened offense, we played pretty good defense. We had one inning where they scored quite a few runs, but other than that we prety much shut them down. I think the final score was 20-8.

Rememeber, next week we play on Monday night too.
## posted by grinder @ 8:51 PM ##