Monday, April 25, 2005
Games Rained Out Tonight
Make sure you mark your calendars for the rescheduled date of TUESDAY May 10, same game times. I have updated the schedule on the web site to reflect this.

Remember practice this Sunday at 2pm at the Friendswood Junior High.
## posted by grinder @ 5:23 PM ##
Friday, April 22, 2005
Games Monday April 25
Our next game times are this Monday at 8:10 and 9pm. Hope everyone can make it out. Remember we have practice Sunday afternoons at 2pm at the Friendswood Junior High.

## posted by grinder @ 11:24 AM ##
Monday, April 18, 2005
No Games Tonight
We have our first "bye" week this week. Looking at the schedule you will notice that it pretty much will be 2 weeks of games and then a "bye" week and then rinse and repeat the rest of the season.

I hear there were about 4 guys at practice Sunday afternoon. Considering our offensive performance last week, we REALLY need more practice....myself especially. I had prior committments, but I am planning on being there for practice this coming Sunday (April 24) and I hope a lot of you can make it then too.
## posted by grinder @ 9:21 AM ##
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Week 2 Action
Game 1 this week is hardly worth mentioning that we even played it. For that game our team batting average was .200, our on base % was .250 and we only scored one stinkin' run. LOSS! Enough said.

In the second game our bats woke up a little bit. We put nine runs on the board and had a solid defensive game to pull out the victory. That puts us at an even 2-2 record. With 2 wins I think we have already come close to hitting our win total for all of last season.

We're having a good time though. It's good to be back out there with the gang laughing and playing and enjoying ourselves.
## posted by grinder @ 12:33 AM ##
Friday, April 08, 2005
Next Week's Games
Game times for MONDAY APRIL 11:
6:30 PM
7:20 PM
I know the 6:30 game is always hard for a lot of people to make it to. We need as many people to show up as possible so we do not have to forfeit that game. Invite some friends to play to help get our numbers up.
## posted by grinder @ 12:22 AM ##
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
We Played Our First Games
Well the season got off to a bang Monday night! We had exactly 10 guys show up and everyone was very excited. Joe even showed up for his last game with us as he is going to be headed to Alabama this week to start his new job there.

We pounded out over 20 runs in the first game and won it on the "run rule" by being ahead more than 15 runs after 3 innings. The second game our bats calmed down quite a bit AND we made a lot more errors in the field. Those two items combined for a loss. If we had played a little more solid defense, I really think we would have won that game.

We all had a great time. I for one am looking forward to the fellowship each week. It's nice to play with guys who want to win BUT they want to have fun above all else. I really think this season is going to be a blast.
## posted by grinder @ 4:36 PM ##