Monday, April 23, 2018
Goodfellas Split Last Week to Finish 10-4
Goodfellas 11 - Guardians 2
Citymark2 15 - Goodfellas 14

Tournament is tonight!

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Perry - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.400
Most RBIs: Groux - 4
The ONLY Home Run - Groux
NO Triples
Doubles: Brett (2), Larry (1), Groux (1), Ball (1), Greg (1)
Most Runs Scored: Stan - 4
Walks: Taki (2), Matt V (1), Larry (1), Groux (1)
## posted by grinder @ 4:57 PM ##
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Goodfellas Win Two!
Goodfellas won a tight one in extra innings last night against Southeast 11-10 and then pounded Baybrook Baptist 14-1.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 2.200
Most RBIs: Brett - 6
Home Runs - Groux - 2
Triples - Brett, Perry - 1 each
Doubles: Brett (3), Judge (1), Matt V (1), Perry (1), JP (1), Ball (1), Mena (1)
Most Runs Scored: Groux, Larry, Brett - 4 each
The ONLY Walk: Stan
## posted by grinder @ 4:57 PM ##
Monday, April 09, 2018
Goodfellas Split Two Hard Fought Games
In last Monday's action, Goodfellas jumped out to an early lead and held on for a 9-7 victory over Transformed. A nine run rally in the 3rd inning came up one run short in a 12-11 loss to Citymark 1.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Stan - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Matt V, Brett - 1.200
Most RBIs: Judge - 4
Home Runs - Groux, Brett - 1 each
The ONLY Triple - Matt V
Doubles: Matt V, Taki, Brett, Matt M, Groux, Ball - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Stan, JP, Perry, Matt V - 3 each
Walks: Brett, Stan - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 7:53 AM ##
Monday, March 26, 2018
Two Blowout Wins!
Goodfellas 17 - Guardians 2
Goodfellas 17 - Citymark II 3

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Judge (4-4), Taki (4-4), Brett (5-5), Groux (6-6) - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 2.000
Most RBIs: Groux - 9
Home Runs - Groux (2), Larry (1), Matt V (1)
The ONLY Triple - Matt V
Doubles: Judge, Taki, Brett, Larry - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Groux, Brett, Larry, Ball - 5 each
Walks: Ball, Stan - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 10:40 PM ##
Goodfellas Split Again
Last Monday, Goodfellas couldn't get the bats going early, but found enough offense later to get a victory.

Rounders 10 - Goodfellas 2
Goodfellas 8 - These Guys 5

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.400
Most RBIs: Groux - 4
The ONLY Home Run - Groux
The ONLY Triple - Brett
Doubles: Matt V (2), Brett (2), Stan (1)
Most Runs Scored: Brett - 3
Walks: Brett - 1
## posted by grinder @ 5:10 PM ##
Monday, March 19, 2018
One Good Beating Deserves Another
Goodfellas whooped up on Baybrook Baptist 17-1 last Monday night and then turned around and got whooped 21-0 by Edgewater.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Stan (4-4), Larry (6-6) - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Stan - 1.250
Most RBIs: JP - 4
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Brett, Stan - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Larry - 4
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 7:57 AM ##
Monday, March 12, 2018
Spring has Sprung!
Only one team this season as Hitmen couldn't get enough RSVPs.

Goodfellas won both games last Monday night. They beat Southeast 12-10 and FBCP Sons of Thunder 7-6.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Taki - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - .875
Most RBIs: Groux - 4
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Brett (2), Groux (1)
Most Runs Scored: Ball - 4
Walks: Taki, Ball, Dean, Josh - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 12:03 PM ##
Monday, October 23, 2017
FBCF Wins 3 out of 4 Last Week
Hitmen won both of their games, defeating FBCP Sons of Thunder and Citymark.

Goodfellas beat Baybrook Baptist and then fell to Bull Sharks.

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Cameron - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Gunnar - 1.429
Most RBIs: Ben - 6
The ONLY Home Run: Gunnar
The ONLY Triple: Gunnar
Doubles: Quinton (3), Cameron (1), Colton (1), Kyle (1), Nathan (1), Owen (1)
Most Runs Scored: Gunnar, Owen - 5 each
Walks: Colton, Nathan - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Ball - .800 (Groux batted 1.000 in just one game)
Best Slugging Pct: Greg - 1.000 (Groux slugged 3.000 in just one game)
Most RBIs: Brett - 4
NO Home Runs
Triples: Groux - 2
Doubles: Brett, Greg - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Larry - 4
Walks: Perry (2), Dean (2), Judge (1), Guidry (1), Stan (1), Trey (1)
## posted by grinder @ 12:43 PM ##
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Pretty Good Night for FBCF
Hitmen run-ruled the Bull Sharks, then lost a tight contest to Worth Dying For. Mason hit a no-doubter grand slam in the losing effort.

Goodfellas steamrolled FBCP Sons of Thunder and then hung on for a one-run victory over Citymark.

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Luke - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Mason - 1.750
Most RBIs: Mason - 7
Home Runs: Mason, Nathan - 1 each
The ONLY Triple: Kyle
Doubles: Colton (2), Mason (1), Nathan (1), Matt V (1), Matt M (1), Owen (1)
Most Runs Scored: Luke, Quinton, Colton, Matt M - 3 each
Walks: Moe, Ben, Matt V - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux, Perry - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.400
Most RBIs: Groux - 4
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Brett (3), Groux (2), Greg (2), Ball (2), Trey (1)
Most Runs Scored: Groux, Brett, Ball - 4 each
Walks: Brett, Dean - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 11:09 AM ##
Wednesday, October 04, 2017
Goodfellas Win Only Game Played
Goodfellas played These Guys Monday night in misty/drizzly conditions. By the time the game ended it was a steady rain and the rest of the games had been postponed for the evening. Goodfellas won in a scrappy battle with These Guys, the final was 6-3.

Game Stats

## posted by grinder @ 8:40 AM ##
Monday, October 02, 2017
Site Updated
Apologies for it being so long since the site has been updated. Current schedule is posted and stats are up to date through last week.
## posted by grinder @ 4:05 PM ##
Friday, June 23, 2017
Goodfellas Stay on a Roll, Hitmen Still Struggling
Games from Monday 6/19
W: Goodfellas - 9, Citymark - 7
W: Goodfellas - 15, These Guys - 11

L: Hitmen - 4, Edgewater 1 - 11
L: Hitmen - 7, Edgewater 2 - 13

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Greg - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Sumrall - 1.833
Most RBIs: Brett - 4
Home Runs: Groux, Brett, Sumrall - 1 each
Triples: Sumrall, Perry - 1 each
Doubles: Sumrall, Stan, Groux - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Sumrall, Larry, Brett, Groux - 3 each
Walks: Taki, Greg, Groux - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
No Stats yet for Hitmen games from 6/19
## posted by grinder @ 10:26 AM ##
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Summer Season Has Begun
Games from Monday 6/12
Hitmen lost one game in extra innings and lost the other on a walk-off against the Rounders. Tough luck night for the Hitmen.
Goodfellas won both of their games, including a last inning, comeback, walk-off against Shadycrest.

L: Hitmen - 8, City Slickers - 13
L: Hitmen - 8, Rounders - 9

W: Goodfellas - 11, Shadycrest - 10
W: Goodfellas - 7, Baybrook Baptist - 3

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Lesco, Owen - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Owen - 1.167
Most RBIs: Owen - 7
NO Home Runs
Triples: Owen, Nelson - 1 each
Doubles: Lesco, Koyt, Ben, Matt V - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Koyt - 5
Walks: Koyt, Matt M - 2 each

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Jacob, Greg, Peter - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.600
Most RBIs: Groux - 4
The ONLY Home Run: Groux
Triples: Groux, Peter - 1 each
Doubles: Jacob (2), Perry (1)
Most Runs Scored: Jacob, Guidry, Groux - 3 each
Walks: Jacob, Greg, Guidry - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 1:36 PM ##
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Regular Season Stats Highlights
Based on a minimum 10 Plate Appearances

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Tony - .722
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.103
Most RBIs: Brett - 17
Most Home Runs: Brett, Groux - 2 each
Most Triples: Brett - 3
Most Doubles: Brett  - 7
Most Runs Scored: Larry - 16
Most Walks: Taki - 3

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Mason - .700
Best Slugging Pct: Kyle - 1.167
Most RBIs: Cody, Koyt, Nelson - 11 each
Most Home Runs: Kyle - 2
Most Triples: Nathan, Koyt, Owen - 2 each
Most Doubles: Moe, Cody, Nelson, Matt V, Koyt - 2 each
Most Runs Scored: Matt V - 14
Most Walks: Matt V, Colton - 2 each
## posted by grinder @ 8:59 AM ##
Last 2 Games: FBCF Splits
Goodfellas - 18, Rounders - 5 (4/17/2017)
Goodfellas - 9, Edgewater - 10 (4/24/2017)

Hitmen - 6, Citymark - 9 (4/17/2017)
Hitmen - 14, Southeast Varsity - 2 (4/24/2017)

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg (1 game): Mason, Owen - 1.000
Best Batting Avg (2 games): Nelson - .833
Best Slugging Pct (1 game): Owen - 2.333
Best Slugging Pct (2 games): Nelson - 1.000
Most RBIs: Mason, Lesco - 4 each
The ONLY Home Run: Mason
Triples: Owen (2), Cody (1), Nathan (1), Koyt (1)
Doubles: Nelson, Moe - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Nelson, Colton, Koyt - 3 each
The ONLY Walk: Colton

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Guidry, Tony - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.429
Most RBIs: Larry - 6
Home Runs: Groux, Brett - 1 each
NO Triples
Doubles: JP (2),Tony (1), Groux (1)
Most Runs Scored: Tony - 5
Walks: Taki (2), Tony (1)
## posted by grinder @ 8:49 AM ##
Monday, April 24, 2017
One Game Each Before the Bottom Fell Out
Goodfellas - 18, Rounders - 5

Hitmen - 6, Citymark - 9

Stats will be posted after tonight's game so they will include the full "double header's" worth of games.
## posted by grinder @ 9:39 AM ##
Monday, April 17, 2017
FBCF Goes .500
Hitmen - 6, Rounders - 7
Hitmen - 13, Edgewater - 8

Goodfellas - 12, Baybrook Baptist - 1
Goodfellas - 4, Sons of Thunder - 9

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Kyle, Koyt - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Kyle - 2.000
Most RBIs: Kyle - 5
Home Runs: Kyle, Matt V - 1 each
Triples: Nathan, Colton - 1 each
Doubles: Kyle, Nathan - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Kyle, Koyt, Matt V - 4 each
The ONLY Walk: Matt V

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: JP - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.286
Most RBIs: JP, Tony, Brett, Ball, Perry - 2 each
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Brett
Doubles: Brett (2), Perry (1), Groux (1)
Most Runs Scored: Brett - 3
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 9:21 AM ##
Thursday, April 06, 2017
Hitmen Get in the Win Column, Goodfellas - Did They Even Play?
Hitmen - 17, SE Varsity - 5
Hitmen - 6, Shadycrest - 18

Goodfellas - 1, Rounders - 16
Goodfellas - 1, These Guys - 14
(Goodfellas stats will be added here next week, pages are in bag which I gave to someone else for next week)

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Mason - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Koyt - 1.250
Most RBIs: Nelson, Koyt - 4 each
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Koyt
Doubles: Mason, Matt V, Ken K - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Lisa - 5
Walks: Ken K (2), Perry (1), Lesco (1), Koyt (1), Matt V (1), Colton (1)
## posted by grinder @ 11:25 AM ##
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Goodfellas Stay Hot, Hitmen Have Bad Luck
Marquee Matchup:
Goodfellas - 4, Hitmen - 3

Goodfellas - 7, Sons of Thunder - 3
Hitmen - 12, Rounders - 13

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Judge - .667
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.400
Most RBIs: Brett - 5
The ONLY Home Run: Brett
Triples: Groux, Larry - 1 each
Doubles: Brett, Perry, Larry - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Larry - 3
NO Walks

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg (1 game): Pastor David - 1.000
Best Batting Avg (2 games): Koyt - .833
Best Slugging Pct (1 game): Pastor David - 2.500
Best Slugging Pct (2 games): Koyt - 1.167
Most RBIs: Pastor David - 6
Home Runs: Kyle A, Nathan - 1 each
The ONLY Triple: Pastor David
Doubles: Koyt (2), Pastor David (1)
Most Runs Scored: Owen - 3
The ONLY Walk: Kyle A
## posted by grinder @ 8:27 AM ##
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Goodfellas Win Two! Hitmen Struggle
Goodfellas - 9, Citymark - 7
Goodfellas - 25, Baybrook Baptist - 5

Hitmen - 0, These Guys - 15
Hitmen - 4, Edgewater - 14

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux - .875
Best Slugging Pct: Brett - 1.375
Most RBIs: Ball - 8
NO Home Runs
Triples: Brett (2), Groux (1), Larry (1)
Doubles: Brett (2), Tony (2), Perry (1), Ball (1), Larry (1), Groux (1)
Most Runs Scored: Brett, Groux, Larry, Greg - 5 each
Walks: Larry, Greg, Perry, Stan, Dean, Guidry - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Moe - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Moe - 1.333
Most RBIs: Moe, Judge, Nelson, Koyt - 1 each
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Moe, Nelson - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Moe, Nelson, Lesco, Bill - 1 each
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 8:54 AM ##
Friday, March 17, 2017
Goodfellas Split Again, Hitmen Off This Week
Goodfellas - 8, Shadycrest - 5
Goodfellas - 4, Southeast Varsity - 7

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Dean - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Dean - 1.000
Most RBIs: Taylor, Groux - 3 each
The ONLY Home Run: Groux (plus one for an out)
NO Triples
The ONLY Double: Taylor
Most Runs Scored: Larry, Stan, Groux - 2 each
The ONLY Walk: Larry
## posted by grinder @ 4:56 PM ##
Wednesday, March 01, 2017
Goodfellas Split, Hitmen Drop Two
Goodfellas - 2, These Guys - 9
Goodfellas - 13, Hitmen - 12

Hitmen - 12, Goodfellas - 13
Hitmen - 10, Shadycrest - 27

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Taki - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.200
Most RBIs: Brett, JP - 3 each
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Groux (2), Brett (1), JP (1)
Most Runs Scored: Groux - 4
Walks: Taki, Brett, Perry, Stan, Tony - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Cody - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Cody - 1.833
Most RBIs: Cody - 7
The ONLY Home Run: Cody
NO Triples
Doubles: Cody (2), Matt V (1), Bandini (1)
Most Runs Scored: Matt V - 5
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 5:34 PM ##
Friday, February 24, 2017
2017 Season is Starting
New season starts Monday 2/27. Schedule is posted. Apologies for not keeping the news updated last year, I will do better this year. May not get full game summaries since I can't see all the games, but at least get a stats summary every week.
## posted by grinder @ 1:03 PM ##
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The Season is Over - Finally!
After many weeks of rainouts and postponements due to electrical issues, we finally wrapped up the season last night.

Last night's games were makeups for the night the lights didn't work, so only the Goodfellas had games to play.

In the first game, Goodfellas offensive woes continued as they fell 11-5 to LSC Redeemed. Their bats finally woke up in Game two as they played a solid game and beat SECOC 10-6.

Tournament will be next week. Schedule will be updated as soon as I see that they posted it.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg (one game only): David Charles - 1.000
Best Batting Avg: JP - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Jacob - 1.167
Most RBIs: Larry - 3
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Jacob
Doubles: Brett (2), JP (1), Jacob (1), Greg (1), Taki (1)
Most Runs Scored: Jacob - 3
Walks: Greg (2), Taki (1)
## posted by grinder @ 6:44 PM ##
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Hitmen Win 2, Goodfellas Postponed
The Hitmen swept their evening with convincing wins over Baybrook Baptist and Edgewater.

Goodfellas games were postponed because there was no power at the fields, so the late games got pushed to the end of the schedule.

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Ben, Jordan - .833
Best Slugging Pct: Jordan - 2.167
Most RBIs: Ben - 4
The ONLY Home Run: Jordan
Triples: Jordan (2), Bandini (1)
Doubles: Ben, Matt V, Jordan - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Jordan - 5
Walks: Bandini, Moe, Kyle A, Matt M, Thibodeaux - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 9:17 AM ##
Monday, June 20, 2016
Hitmen Split, Goodfellas Sweep
The Hitmen came out strong against FBC Pearland and won 12-5. The offense fizzled out against These Guys who defeated Hitmen 9-3.

Goodfellas beat Edgewater 14-6 and then followed that up by defeating Citymark 12-8.

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Nathan, Bandini - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Nathan - 1.600
Most RBIs: Nathan, Ben - 3 each
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Nathan
Doubles: Nathan, Matt M, Bam- 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Matt V - 3
Walks: Bandini (2), Ben (1), Moe (1)

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg (one game only): Taylor - 1.000
Best Batting Avg: JP - .857
Best Slugging Pct (one game only): Taylor - 2.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.667
Most RBIs: Groux - 6
The ONLY Home Run: Groux
Triples: Sumrall (2), Groux (1), Taylor (1), Stan (1)
Doubles: Taylor, JP, Larry, Groux, Perry - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: JP, Groux, Perry, Larry - 4 each
Walks: Groux, Guidry, Warren - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 3:38 PM ##
Monday, June 13, 2016
Last Week: Hitmen Dominated, Goodfellas Split
Last Monday the Hitmen took care of business against Baybrook Baptist (9-6) and Citymark Church (12-4). Goodfellas played a decent game against Rounders and got the victory 7-4 but then got stomped by SECOC 24-3.

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Matt V - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Jordan - 1.500
Most RBIs: Ben - 5
The ONLY Home Run: Jordan
Triples: Matt M (2), Ben (1)
Doubles: Matt M, Lesco, Kyle A, Bandini- 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Lesco - 5
Walks: Moe, Matt V - 2 each

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Groux - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.667
Most RBIs: Groux - 3
NO Home Runs
The ONLY Triple: Groux
Doubles: Taylor, Brett - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Groux, Perry, Brett - 2 each
NO Walks
## posted by grinder @ 2:56 PM ##
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Goodfellas Split, Hitmen Drop Two
Goodfellas put together one big inning (11 runs) to defeat Hitmen 13-8 in the first game of the evening. After that, These Guys stomped Goodfellas 13-3 while LSC Redeemed beat Hitmen 9-6.

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Warren, Ball, Sumrall - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Sumrall - 1.200
Most RBIs: Brett - 3 each
NO Home Runs
NO Triples
Doubles: Sumrall, Larry, Brett - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Larry - 3
Walks: Warren, Ball, Perry - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Matt V - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Matt V, Mason - 1.200
Most RBIs: Kyle A - 5
The ONLY Home Run: Mason
NO Triples
Doubles: Matt V, Jordan, Mason - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Jordan - 3
Walks: Moe, Bandini - 1 each
## posted by grinder @ 10:16 PM ##
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
FBCF Undefeated This Week
Hitmen continued their winning ways piling on 2 more wins this week. Goodfellas also won both of their games to even out their record at 2-2.

Stats Highlights for Hitmen
Best Batting Avg: Moe, Kyle A - .800
Best Slugging Pct: Kyle A - 2.000
Most RBIs: Kyle A, Jordan - 5 each
Home Runs: Kyle A, Jordan - 1 each
Triples: Chris, Nathan, Lesco - 1 each
Most Doubles: Kyle A - 3
Most Runs Scored: Chris, Ben - 4 each
Walks: Moe, Kyle A, Jordan, Mason - 1 each

Stats Highlights for Goodfellas
Best Batting Avg: Stan, Sumrall, Guidry - 1.000
Best Slugging Pct: Groux - 1.667
Most RBIs: Stan, Warren - 4 each
The ONLY Home Run: Groux
The ONLY Triple: Groux
Doubles: Stan, Sumrall, Groux, Perry, JP, Brett - 1 each
Most Runs Scored: Stan, Groux - 4 each
The ONLY Walk: Sumrall
## posted by grinder @ 12:02 AM ##
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
Rained Out This Week
This week's games have been rescheduled and moved to the end of the season. Schedule is updated.
## posted by grinder @ 11:35 AM ##